Jacquelyne Ellis
Hello! My name is Jacquelyne, but lots of folks call me Jacque. I'm a professional intuitive & animal communicator - and also a teacher, mentor, and spiritual coach. Here's what that means...

Professional Intuitive & Animal Communicator
I serve as a liaison between the physical and non-physical realms. Over the past 36 years, I have recorded more than 34,000 intuitive readings with people from all walks of life.
While I can and do help people with a wide array of topics, my expertise and focus is…
Teaching & Mentoring. I work with men and women to help them increase their awareness of energy and their own intuition.
Relationships, of all sorts. Your relationship with yourself, your body, your money, your work, other people (past and present), animal companions, whatever.
Peer support for those who already engage their intuition. When you feel too close to something to get a clear reading, or if you want a second opinion, let's take a moment to play in your sandbox together. (We all need a little help with clarity and discernment sometimes.)
Grief support. I work with lots of folks who are grieving the loss of their beloved animal companions.
Teacher, Mentor & Spiritual Coach
I really enjoy teaching. It's so rewarding to turn people on to ways of understanding and navigating what we used to call the "woo-woo" world. It's a lot about energy, intuition, and practically applied spirituality.
Many of the men and women who I work with are energetically sensitive people. (You'll also hear the term Highly Sensitive People. It's pretty much the same thing.)
For those of us who are energetically sensitive, the biggest challenges are usually energetic overwhelm and/or psychic fatigue. I'll teach you how to minimize and manage the challenges - and harness the gifts of being energetically sensitive.
Anyone who is sensitive knows, it's no small thing to be highly sensitive in this often crazy, insensitive world. To operate consciously, with clear awareness - and navigate skillfully in physical and subtle realms. Most of us come by our sensitivity naturally (we were born this way), but it takes a bit of awareness and effort to clearly understand and fully appreciate our innate wiring. My work is focused on just that.
I help energetically sensitive men and women answer their deepest questions and claim their intuition. Most folks know they have the capacity to "be intuitive" but have never had any training in developing and fully utilizing their innate abilities. Often, intuition is a random thing that seems to happen to them.
But it need not be that way. My approach is to de-mystify intuition. We unpack it and look at all the bits and parts, then bring all those parts together for a much deeper understanding and appreciation of it all.
I often think of myself as a guide. My job is to help you navigate both the physical and subtle realms. The idea is to develop discernment. To feel confident in your own understanding and experience. And to to trust yourself. Intuition is an innate aspect of our being. It flows, naturally, when we are in alignment with our higher selves. I am here to help you tap into and skillfully use your intuition - for yourself, your loved ones, and all those you are here to support and serve.
My work is practically-oriented. I aim to make teachings accessible, and exercises easy-to-follow. It's embodied, experiential learning. (We're not just talking about sensitivity and intuition, we're stepping right into the middle of working with it.)
So, please, have a look around the site. If you feel a resonance, please do get in touch in whatever way is best for you. If you partake in social media, a good place to start is with my Facebook Group: Intuitive and Energetically Sensitive Women. And do make sure to check out my deep-dive course: Your Soul Essence. In whatever way, at whatever time - I look forward to connecting with you.
​So, how exactly does this work?
I am a highly clairaudient intuitive. I receive information through voice transmissions, direct thought impressions, pictures, and empathic resonance - both physical and emotional. (For more about what that all means, check out energetic sensitivity).
The bottom line is that I am "super-sensitive." I'm operating on multiple channels with access to multiple dimensions, pretty much all the time.
My antenna are up, and my radar is on. I have the ability to tap into a larger field. That field is an energetic space, filled with information. It's not a physical place, but it is very much real. It is where all of our individual and collective experiences reside. We are tapping into a dimension where everything is energy. The information we seek exists as energy, and that energy can be accessed from any place, at any time.
I've been making energetic connections with clients and their beloveds (in body and not) all over the world for well over 30 years now. I mostly work by phone (and sometimes Zoom) from my office, in northern Idaho.
Now, I do realize it may sound a bit woo-woo or complicated. But really, it's not. It's just being open to way more than that which exists in the standard three-dimensional reality. You could think of it as somewhat akin to animals who can hear what we cannot, or those who can see everything even on the darkest of nights. Professional intuitives can tap into a larger field of information and energy. It's what we do.
For lots of folks, it's something that has to be experienced to really get it. So, if you're curious and a bit tentative, start by dipping your toe in the water. Schedule a reading, or check out the Shop.
If you and I share resonance, you'll know it.
And, of course, if you have questions feel free to ask.