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Develop YOUR
Energetic & Intuitive AWARENESS

Explore how energy, intuition, and sensitivity work together - and how you can make the most of yours.

  • This course is now open to all women - of any age.

  • LIVE online support sessions with me EVERY WEEK.

  • All the lessons are available 24/7. Watch, listen, read and practice at your convenience. It's all self-paced - go as fast or slow as you want.

This learning is deep and empowering, and also very practical. I will be guiding and coaching you with personal feedback and support the whole way through.​

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Jacquelyne Ellis

Professional Intuitive  .  Teacher/Guide  .  Animal Communicator  .  Spiritual Coach

Top 10 Benefits

1. Reclaim your vitality from the people, places, and activities that drain you.

2. Discover & develop YOUR energetic sensitivity.


3. End the isolation that is so common for us sensitive folks.


4. Receive LOTS of personal attention, coaching, and support.


5. Deepen your understanding of how energy works.


6. Operate more consciously - in this 3-D world & the subtle, vibrational worlds.


7. Improve your relationships with most everything and everyone.


8. Enjoy being more effective - in all areas of your life.


9. Unload old baggage, thoughts, and feelings that are not serving you.


10. Free your heart by gaining clarity about your soul contracts and agreements.


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This is a 12-month course. You can pay monthly, or in full (and save $400).  For those who may need it, we do have some partial scholarships available. Contact Jacque for details.

  • Develop YOUR Awareness (Monthly)

    Every month
    Valid for 12 months
    • All Content Available Online - 24/7
    • LIVE Sessions EVERY WEEK, for 12 months
    • Automatic Monthly Charge ($4800 Total)
  • Develop YOUR Awareness (Pay-in-Full)

    Valid for 12 months
    • All Content Available Online - 24/7
    • LIVE Sessions EVERY WEEK, for 12 months
    • SAVE $400 (One Month Free)

Please note:
1. The CAPTCHA for our payment system can be picky! (And we can't change that, alas.) If it's not recognizing that you are a human, you can always enroll by phone. Just give us a call:
(208) 267-1652
2. If you prefer to pay by check or money order, click here for our mailing address.
3. If you would like a payment schedule other than the options above, please talk with us.


About Jacquelyne

I have been energetically sensitive all my life. As a kid, I was always feeling, seeing and hearing things no one else did. This is my nature.

Chances are, since you found your way to reading this, it’s your nature as well. There’s a lot of us energetically sensitive people out in the world.


What does it mean, to be energetically sensitive?

Well, for starters, we pick up on the vast amount of psychic information that is in the collective vibrational network. We are tuned in and receiving… every day, all the time.


I began working in the healing arts way back, in 1987. When I started doing breath work and energy work with clients, my intuition really opened up. It became obvious that utilizing my energetic sensitivity was key to my work and service.

Over the years, I have learned a lot about how to manage the many challenges that come with having such a high level of energetic sensitivity. As you’ve probably noticed, it can be really difficult to live with.

But it’s so worth it. Because that extreme sensitivity also comes with the potential for strong intuitive receptivity. And that increased receptivity can provide you with massive benefits in ALL areas of your life.

The vast majority of my clients are energetically sensitive women. My passion is helping them learn HOW to effectively manage the challenges and discover the benefits of being highly sensitive.

I help energetically sensitive women reduce energetic overwhelm and reduce psychic fatigue – so they can develop and refine their intuition, learn to trust their own inner wisdom, and feel tangible spiritual support in their daily lives.

I’ve been a full-time professional intuitive and spiritual coach for well over 30 years, and have recorded over 33,000 intuitive readings. The vast majority of my clients have found me by word-of-mouth referral. I believe the reason this ministry has been so enduring is that I provide spiritual support that is innately empowering and very practical.

If you are looking for an intuitive coach with decades of experience, and if you feel resonance with me…  I wholeheartedly invite you to enroll in this course.  


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