Your Soul Essence
We are so glad you've decided to join us for this transformational journey.
To get started, there are 3 Onboarding Tasks for you to do:
1. Complete your Onboarding Form. (Link opens in new window.)
2. Then, take The Sensitivity Quiz. (Link opens in new window.)
3. Then please Rate Your Sensitivity. (Link opens in new window.)
All three are pretty quick - most likely less than an hour total.
> Send Me Your Results
We'll get your Onboarding Form info automatically, but for the other two I need you to send me your results.
Sensitivity Quiz - send me your percentages for the 5 possible outcomes: Physically Sensitive, Emotionally Sensitive, Mentally Sensitive, Spiritually Sensitive, and Not So Much. (Send all 5 percentages please.)
Sensitivity Score - send me your final score (0 - 130).
> Send to: jacquelyne@sacreddialogues.com
This course includes LIVE sessions EVERY week.
These sessions are optional - and we strongly recommend you join in as often as you can. (It's where a lot of the magic happens!)
Allow 60 - 90 minutes/session.
You'll receive the LIVE schedule
(along with the link to get into your course)
via email, within 48 hours.
If you have any questions at any time, please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to support you.
I am your go-to for anything content-related in this course.
Lisa is your go-to for any admin or tech-related questions or requests.
See contact details for both of us below.
Again, we are so very glad you're here.
Welcome Aboard!
Jacquelyne Ellis
(208) 267-1652
This is a land-line. NO TEXT MESSAGES. (I do not receive them.)
US/Pacific Time Zone (Idaho)
Lisa Latin
(503) 318-3693
Mobile: call +/or text
US/Pacific Time Zone (Oregon)