Energetic Sensitivity
That might be a new term to you. Here's a simple way to think about it:
Energetically sensitive people
see, hear, feel and/or sense
We see things others don’t see... hear what others don't hear... and may even have premonitions of upcoming events... for ourselves or the world at large. (We're also very likely to shut down in crowds of people or anyplace that's too noisy.)

Energetic Sensitivity is...
the awareness and experience of interacting 24/7
in a multi-dimensional world
of vibration and energy.
It is the ability (desired or not)
to perceive and respond (or perhaps react)
to the considerable volume of psychic energy
(subtle - etheric - intuitive information)
in the collective network.
Most of us who are energetically sensitive have been wired this way, from the start. We are about 24% of the population worldwide.
Sensitivity is actually a gift with many blessings. But unless or until one understands what it is, and develops the ability to manage and utilize it, sensitivity can feel much more like a burden.
Energetic overwhelm and psychic fatigue are the two most common challenges...
Energetic Overwhelm
Energetically sensitive people have nervous systems that can easily get over-amped. We are more strongly impacted than others by images, sounds, scents, chemicals... just about anything in our surroundings.
Energetic overwhelm is when we feel totally bombarded... Too much light, too much sound, too many emotions (our own or others), too many ideas... TOO MUCH!!!
When we're overwhelmed we cannot function normally. Our ability to think, make decisions, get tasks done, or to simply enjoy a day becomes impaired. We shut down, and can even become physically ill.

Psychic Fatigue
Psychic fatigue is a bit different than physical, mental or psychological fatigue. It's what happens to us when we have too much coming at us FROM OTHER PEOPLE.
If we're too open energetically we get a little drift off of everyone we come into contact with. We get a taste of their thoughts and feelings, a glimpse of their fears and obsessions, perhaps even a little whiff of their addictions and memories. We may or may not be aware that it's happening - but it is.
Psychic fatigue can be confusing... and exhausting. It leads to energetic boundary breaches and loads of unwanted energies in our field.
Now, there's something important you need to know.
Your energetic sensitivity is DIRECTLY related to your intuitive receptivity.
Those of us who are more energetically sensitive are more intuitive as well. It's part of our innate wiring, our natural skill set.
INTUITION is simply information or knowledge gained without engaging the linear, logical mind.
Ways We Receive:
Clairaudience means inner hearing
Claircognizance means inner knowing
​Clairsentience means we feel it - as emotion and/or as a bodily sensation
Clairvoyance means inner seeing
Direct thought impression is also known as telepathy
Empathic resonance is an emotional feeling quality, when we feel for and with another

Intuition Matters
As you've no doubt noticed... Energetic sensitivity and intuitive receptivity are very real for those of us who experience it, and often dismissed by those who do not. But that matters not. Trust your own direct experience. It is real. And there are plenty of others out here like you.
Plus, there are BIG benefits to knowing, owning, and cultivating your intuition. It can provide you with useful information about yourself, your relationships, your animal beloveds, and your finances. It can also clue you in about health matters, places, objects, and events. You can use your intuition to choose the right supplement, avoid dramatic blow-ups, or locate your keys. It can also (quite literally) save your life.
I was born this way...
While some come into their sensitivity as a result of trauma, most of us who are highly sensitive were born this way. I fall into that latter camp.
When I was a kid, I was always seeing and hearing things no one else did. And nobody wanted to hear about it. My friends were spooked by it, and my mother was terrified. All the while, I was being constantly bombarded by psychic input, and I didn't understand any of it. But there was one saving grace, something I learned early on...
Even though I was often by myself, I knew I was never alone. There was always something other, a loving presence if you will. I could always sense it, and still do.
I spent most of my school years unable to tell what was mine and what was not. So many thoughts, feelings, memories, and sensations that were not of me, but they were in me. It was very confusing, to say the least.
I had no clear sense of self. Around others, I would either disappear or try to copy someone else. The safest bet was to isolate myself - which I did, a lot. They called me shy, and that was true. But mostly, I was just totally overwhelmed.
Now I get it. I've spent decades honing my skills and abilities, and I've taught hundreds of workshops with energetically sensitive men and women. (I'm on a mission to make intuition easier.) I've learned to embrace energetic sensitivity and fully utilize it. It's a gift!
​The Reluctant Psychic (Blog post)