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Stepping Out On the Inside

Writer's picture: Jacquelyne EllisJacquelyne Ellis

Hi there everyone,

As quarantine continues, I am hearing a consistent theme emerging from all of you – the dance of polarities. I feel it, too. The opposites are very noticeable.

It’s in all the things we miss, and now appreciate so much more. The time we wasted, and now we notice how we do or do not utilize the time we have.

There are many obvious horrors. So many are struggling for air, or losing loved ones. Many more are afraid for their beloveds – and themselves. And even for those who are not personally touched, the uncertainty now prevailing, locally and globally, cannot be denied. We’re all in this, like it or not.

I feel concerned when I think of those high school and college kids who are left hanging in limbo. Or without a graduation. I also think about all the performers, all tuned up – and the show cannot go on.

I pray for our health care people and essential workers everywhere. May our appreciation for them stay lodged in our collective memory forevermore.

So, yes, the losses are devastating. No way around it.

And…Like most of you, I too am aware of the gifts and opportunities this quarantine brings. It’s time to use our gifts.

Our souls can breathe in this quiet. As the earthly frenzy of noise and activity is collectively softer, there is space to simply BE. We need this, more than we may realize. Collectively, we require it. Like a a cosmic parent who is screaming at all of us to just be still. It still feels that way to me.

For sure, the environment needed a breather from us. No question about that.

We also needed a reminder that we are all fragile biological organisms, much more related than those in charge of money and policies typically like us to think. It matters not what race, gender, nationality or religion we share or don’t share. Our separations only serve to deny ourselves precious resources. As corny as it sounds, we truly are stronger together.

I’ve also noticed that lots of folks were losing sight of the real sacred in their lives. Even those of us who recognize we are light workers needed to re-group and reflect. Are we going to commit to our service, or not? It’s easy enough to talk a good game. But now it’s time to walk our talk.

For all of you who have been planning and dreaming about showing up more or in new ways, now is the time. We are going to need everyone’s ideas, experiences, perspectives and cultures. We need all who feels so called to wake up now, more and more. It’s time to start building a saner and more balanced world.

The old way of operating was not working for too many people. Returning to “normal” is not what we want. That puts us zooming quickly towards extinction.

Now is the time for us those of us who would choose a more loving and kinder world to go ahead and choose that. At the risk of sounding like I’m asking us to join hands and sing kumbaya, this is a time for us to stand as prayer warriors. We are being asked to rise up, to lift our vision beyond despair or fear, and way beyond blame and conspiracy. We need to lift up now, to join together as like-minded spiritual grown-ups.

All of you reading this are mature souls with the know-how and knowledge to co-create transformational breakthroughs.

It’s time to summon that inner mastery. To support the creative essence in one another. To network, connect ,and harness our talents so we can truly create a better world for all. Indeed, if there was ever a time to hear and trust your inward calling to serve, it is now.

This quiet time will not last forever. Take advantage of it. Get your clarity going. Let go of that which holds you back. Stretch a bit further. Take a chance. The world needs you. We need you.

So, with stretching in mind… I just made my first ever video. Now, you should know, I have resisted video for over 35 years. It is not my preferred medium. But I feel as if I’ve been pushed over a cliff. This crisis demands that we show up. Do our part, whatever that may be. Okay, I surrender. More outreach, more service. Find ways to expand the circle. That was the clear directive. No more wiggling out of it.

So, this past week I began learning how to do videos. It’s still new terrain. But I’m doing it, and I’ll get better at it over time. Next week I’ll be ramping up more on networking via Facebook and LinkedIn. Again, not super comfortable terrain for me – but it’s not about me and my insecurities anymore. We all gotta show up with whatever it is we have to offer. Come one, come all – and come as you are.

So, my prayer for you is simply this… May this quiet time help you hear your own inner callings, and may you find the courage to heed the call.

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